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Sisters in 2000

Phi Sigma Omega Chapter, a chapter located in the South Central Region, was chartered in Gonzales, Louisiana on June 25, 2000 after eighteen months of community service, planning meetings, conferences, and sisterly relations activities led by Soror Janice Montague-Myles. Seventeen sorors joined their pink and green vines together to become charter members. The charter members, who were formerly known as Sisters in 2000, are: Vita Archie, Andrea Baham, Toni Booker, Hopelanda Clark-Montgomery, Paula Dennis, Vanessa Ferchaud, Adina Moore, Sarah Holliday, Talawanga Johnson, Robin Lavergne, Trina Lyons, Janice Montague-Myles, Sharon Steib, Alison Stevens-Tucker, Shalonda Walker, Vallarie Woods, and Dwuena Wyre.


The following sorors have served as basileus of Phi Sigma Omega Chapter: Sarah Holliday, Toni Booker, Janice Montague-Myles, Vallarie Woods, Chandra Darville, Donna L. Newsome and Shalonda Walker. Phi Sigma Omega has been “Proudly Serving Others” in the River Parishes for over twenty-two (22) years.


Consistent programs of the chapter include giving college scholarships to local students, hosting youth enrichment and academic programs, providing holiday meal baskets, sponsoring an annual community luncheon, supporting emergency relief efforts, participating in community health fairs, and sponsoring an annual free prom dress event known as The Princess Dress Project. Special Phi Sigma Omega highlights include the Debutante Cotillion from 2006-2010, the Young Author’s Book Program that produced two published books, participation in Southern University’s Homecoming Parade, the annual Princess Dress Project, and hosting an annual Mother’s Day Luncheon. In addition to the noted events, the chapter hosts HBCU cultural and educational workshops, chapter retreats, chapter anniversary socials, and provides donations to local children in the form of school supplies, uniforms, and shoes. The chapter has also been the recipient of many awards. At the 74th SC Regional Conference, Phi Sigma Omega received awards for Outstanding Chapter Program, Outstanding Chapter Exhibit, Outstanding Chapter Scrapbook, Honorable Mention- Exemplary Ivy Reading AKAdemy, and the Standards Award for Excellence. In 2009, Phi Sigma Omega won both the Chapter of the Year-Small Chapter Award and the AKA-EAF Community Assistance Award at the SC Regional Conference in Little Rock, AR. Phi Sigma Omega has also received the STAR Award and Strategic Planning Award.


Exemplifying Excellence through Sustainable Service has allowed Phi Sigma Omega with assistance from La Fondation Rose et Verte de Louisiane to serve the River Parishes at the highest level. From its inception, the chapter has successfully implemented all of the five targets. For Target 1-HBCU for Life, the chapter annually awards $2250.00 in college scholarships to students attending an HBCU. In addition, the chapter also serves as one of the sponsors of the HBCU Expo held in Lutcher, LA each year. For Women’s Healthcare & Wellness-Target 2, our signature event “The Pink Party” is held to honor breast cancer survivors. PSO also hosts a wellness booth at local college health fairs and an annual event to support the Alzheimer's Association Longest Day. For Target 3 – Building Your Economic Legacy, the chapter partnered with Regions Bank to host a “Managing Your Money” financial workshop.  Retirement and budgeting workshops are also hosted for the public. In conjunction with “The Pink Party”, PSO showcased a gallery of black art for guests as a Target 4 – The Arts initiative. Lastly, the chapter has fully embraced Target 5 – Global Impact by donating pillowcase dresses, pillowcase shirts and shoes to Soles4Souls, delivering slipper socks to nursing home residents, and by collecting eyeglasses for The Lions Club. It has been a sensational twenty-two years of excellent sisterhood and service!


Soon we will be Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood!




                      Vita Archie                      Andrea Baham

            Toni Booker*deceased              Hopelanda Clark-Montgomery

Paula Dennis* deceased

Vanessa Ferchaud

Adina Moore

Sarah Holliday


Talawanga Johnson

Robin Lavergne

Trina Lyons

Janice Montague-Myles

Sharon Steib

Alison Stevens-Tucker

Shalonda Walker

Vallarie Woods


Dwuena Wyre

 Past Presidents


Sarah Holliday

Toni Booker*deceased

Janice Montague-Myles

Vallarie Woods

Chandra Darville

Donna L. Newsome


Sholonda Walker


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